Posts tagged with ‘Sidra’

110 of 46 items

Vaera 5775

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Sidra begins with a declaration by the Almighty to Moses that he had revealed Himself to the Patriarchs by the name El Shaddai, but not by the name of YKWK (K Stands for H).   This statement is problematic and two questions arise from it. The first one is: What is the difference between the […]

Naso 5774

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Book of Bamidbar is divided into two distinct parts and covers two separate  periods in Israel’s journey in the wilderness. The first part, which consists of the first five Sidrot, describes the events which happened immediately after the Exodus. It begins on the first day of the second month of the second year after […]


by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

  The name of this week’s Sidra means ‘After the Death’. It is an unusual name and it refers to the Sidra of Shemini where the dramatic and sudden deaths of two of Aaron’s sons, Nadav and Avihu are described in detail. That event took place on the first of Nissan in the second year […]

Sh’mot 5774

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

In his introduction, Nachmanides describes the Book of Exodus as the Book of Exile and Redemption. The Exile began when Jacob’s family went to Egypt and the moment of the Redemption was reached when the erection of the Tabernacle was completed and the glory of the Lord rested within its precincts. The first paragraph in […]

Vayigash 5774

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The sidra of Vayigash begins in the middle of chapter 44 and in the midst of the account of the most dramatic confrontation between Joseph and his brothers. In the last few verses of Mikketz, the Torah relates how Joseph accused his brothers of stealing the cup as soon as they arrived back in his […]

Vayeshev 5774

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The main stories in this Sidra focus on Joseph and Judah whose tribes became the leading tribes of the Israelite nation, later in Biblical history.  In today’s Sidra Joseph and Judah play a major role, as individuals. They clashed bitterly. The Sidra recounts their terrible and tragic downfall. Joseph ended up in a pit; was […]

Vayera 5774

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The first story in today’s Sidra describes the visit of three angels to Abraham. They  appeared to him as three idolatrous Arab men. Despite their unfamiliar appearance, Abraham invited them into his tent, most warmly and gave them a delicious meal. Abraham’s amazing kindness towards them has become a most important story in our religion, […]

Reeh 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Sidra of Re’eh opens with the contrasting sharp choices which the Almighty offered to Israel. He said that he was giving them the blessing and the curse. He commanded them to choose the blessing. The blessing was symbolically allocated to Mount Gerizim and the curse was allocated to Mount  Eival.  These mountains were situated […]

Mattot-Massei 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

Today we read the last two Sidrot in the Book of Numbers. These two Sidrot, which are called Mattot and Massei, are read together in all normal years. They are only read separately in leap years. Together they are one of the longest annual Torah readings.  They are connected by their theme. Both of them […]

Chukkat 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Book of Bamidbar consists of 10 Sidrot, which can be divided into two completely separate parts, representing 2 periods in the history of the Exodus. The first 5 Sidrot describe the events that took place within the first two years of the Exodus, until the end of the rebellion of Korach. The last 5 […]