Posts from April 2013

4 Items

Acharei-Mot Kedoshim

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

COMMENTARY ON THE SIDROT OF ACHAREI MOT AND KEDOSHIM 5773 BY RABBI YAAKOV GRUNEWALD The Book of Vayika is devoted primarily to two distinct themes; PURITY AND HOLINESS, which are called in Hebrew by the terms of TOHARAH and KEDUSHAH.  The first six Sidrot deal with the concept of purity and the last 4, beginning […]

Tazria-Mezora 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

Both the Sidrot of Tazria and Mezora are devoted to the laws of purity and defilement in the Jewish Religion. The name Tazria comes from the Hebrew root ZRA, which means ‘seed’. Therefore, the name refers either to a woman who has conceived a child or has given birth. Metzora refers to a person has […]

Emor 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The first seven Sidrot in the book of Vayikra concentrate on the laws relating to the purity and holiness of the whole nation of Israel. The Sidra of Emor focuses on the holiness of the priests who were obliged to adhere to a higher standard of sanctity than others. The first verse in the Sidra […]

Shemini 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Sidra of Shemini begins with an account of the dedication of Aaron and his four sons as KOHANIM. It took place on the eighth day, after seven days of purification from all their sins and sanctification to become servants of the Almighty. The eighth day has great significance in the Bible. Circumcision takes place […]