Posts tagged with ‘Devarim’

2 Items

Devarim 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

Today we begin the last book of the Torah.  The Rabbis, who fixed the Sedarot, planned the order of reading very carefully, so that this Sidra always falls before Tisha Be’av. This is most appropriate, since it contains the verse which begins with the word , Eichah. This is the opening word of the Scroll […]

Devarim 5772

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

This Shabbat has a special name: Shabbat Chazon.  It always precedes the Fast of the Ninth of Av and the name is based on the first word of the Haftarah which means THE VISION. It contains Isaiah’s prophecy in which he warned Israel about the forthcoming catastrophe that was waiting to happen to the Kingdom […]