Posts from June 2014

3 Items

Chukkat 5774

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

We know that the Book of Bamidbar consists of two distinct parts. The first part of the book describes events that took place in the first two years of the journey in the Sinai desert. The second part, beginning with chapter 20 describes the events which took place in the 40th year of the journey. […]

Sh’lach Lecha: Chief Rabbi’s Mission 5774

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The theme of this week’s Sidra is the mission of the 12 spies to survey the Land of Canaan. The 12 spies set out with  high hopes. They were the leaders of their tribes and trusted by their people. There is a well-known saying that “power corrupts”. Here we have the best illustration of it […]

Sh’lach Lecha

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Sidra begins with God’s command to Moses to send twelve important leaders to tour the land. Moses chose the Nesi’im, the leaders of each tribe for this task. This account, which tells us that God commanded the mission, contradicts the version that Moses gave to the next generation, in his farewell speech, 39 years […]