Posts tagged with ‘Shlach Lecha’

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Sh’lach Lecha

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Sidra begins with God’s command to Moses to send twelve important leaders to tour the land. Moses chose the Nesi’im, the leaders of each tribe for this task. This account, which tells us that God commanded the mission, contradicts the version that Moses gave to the next generation, in his farewell speech, 39 years […]

Sh’lach Lecha 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Sidra of Shlach-Lecha is devoted, mostly, to the grave sin which was committed first by 10 of the 12 spies that were sent by Moses to investigate the land. As a consequence, the entire nation sinned by rebelling against God. It turned out to be the second most catastrophic event in the desert, equal […]

Shlach Lecha 5772

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The meaning of the name of today’s Sidra is SEND. The Almighty instructed Moses to send men to the land of Canaan in order that they should travel through it and report to him regarding a number of important matters; how fertile the land was and how well defended. The visit ended up with tragedy. The […]